Body inflation

New inflation method omg

You know you can just gulp down air as well. Its not a dramatic but your belly will get just as inflated.
11 years

New inflation method omg

Its also a fun thing to if you use the same method as you described but instead of inflating yourself someone can "Kiss" you and force the air down into your belly.
11 years

New inflation method omg

This thread reads like an ad on a home shopping channel...
11 years

New inflation method omg

I've been doing this for years.
It's about time this method caught on.
And I agree with Ateitall.
It does work best laying flat with your head at a slight elevation.
11 years

New inflation method omg

I've read all the posts and visited all the links, and I'm not getting it.....I don't think I am anyway. I've never inflated before, so I could just not have the capacity to notice anything. Any further advice?
11 years

New inflation method omg

I love this. I do it all the time. Im not as good as the person in the video but I make it work for me. I love that I dont really feel how big I am until I stand up. Sometimes holding all the air in can be a little difficult. Im not sure if farting a bunch is a good or bad thing. Im having fun with it and farting makes me laugh. Everyone should try this!!!
10 years

New inflation method omg

I manage to swallow air as I breathe in. I get small amounts of air each time.
10 years

New inflation method omg

If I lean forward, I can inhale/swallow a fair amount of air at one time. Usually I just lay back and inhale and I can swallow a little bit. I do that a bunch of times though. It's just a weird trick with the back of your throat. It's crazy hard to explain.
10 years

New inflation method omg

Wait, this totally works!! I just tried it and I never expected it to work o.o took a few minutes but this is awesome!
10 years

New inflation method omg

I think I found another way to do it guys. You don't even need to plug your nose or your mouth. Lay down in bed or recline in a chair, and take a deep breath like you're diving underwater. Then, with your mouth closed tightly (gently clench your teeth if it helps keep it closed) exhale slowly until your lungs feel empty. When you can't exhale any more, you'll feel a tightness in the back of your throat. This must be the larynx closing up or something. Be sure to fully exhale and then you'll feel it close.

Then, now this is the hardest part to explain...keep your mouth closed and sort of "snore" like the air is coming into your nose and down your esophagus. You may hear a snoring sound and feel cool air coming in the back of your throat, this is how you know you've done it! Now, without opening your mouth and trying to use that snore reflex to keep that valve thingy clamped down, INHALE long and slow. You'll actually FEEL the air rush straight down into your belly as you inhale thru your nose!!!

If you did it right, the effect is instantaneous. Push out with your abdominal muscles as you inhale, and you can feel your stomach expand, not your chest!! It may start to hurt a little and make you feel a bit dizzy, but swallow. Then slowly exhale, repeat the above steps and feel it grow even bigger! It's just like blowing up a balloon with a lungful of air, except you're pumping your belly up by inhaling, somehow bypassing the lungs and drawing a breath into your belly!

I'm a skinny guy with a small stomach capacity but big lungs, and I mastered this technique in under a day. It's so hard to describe but if you did it, you'll know it!! Your chest won't expand, only your stomach!

It's like a food baby when you overstuff yourself. You'll feel a stretching sensation around your navel and it may actually cause a dull pain, but it feels full like your tummy is FILLED with AIR. Do it once and you feel full, breathe in twice and you'll feel stuffed. Do it three breaths, and you could feel and look a about 6 months pregnant. It feels AMAZING.

If you hold it and push your belly out as far as you'll go and hold it as long as you can, you might feel the urge to fart or burp, but I found if you open your mouth and sigh, it just goes back to normal, plus you'll feel great and relaxed, ready to take a deep inhale and try again.

So remember:
1. Blow out sharply
2. Close mouth
3. Pretend to snore, breathe in thru nose
4. Rub your inflated pregnant-looking belly!
5 open mouth and sigh heavily to deflate.

Try it! I'm not crazy!!

(Take before & after pics if you succeed)
10 years
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